Now If In 2016 We Had Less?



First of all, I wish you a lovely 2016! I hope it will fill you and that you will make it important.

I have not wanted to take stock of my year 2015 because I think that whatever the shit that I met, I have the great chance to finish alive, healthy and with my family. The rest has little importance.

Anyway, all that to say that I read a lot of blogs full of good resolutions & sporting goals, personal and professional. To Do Lists for long as my arm of things to do, from country to visit, sporting exploits succeed ... Move more, do more, be more, this is what everyone seems to aspire at the moment.

I must confess that I decided to go against the grain and concentrate on what I could simplify and lighten in my life.
the rest will be a bonus.

First of all, I wish you a lovely 2016!

Voyager least  I really got lucky in 2015: I visited Rome, Arves, New York, Val Thorens, Lisbon, Formentera, Lapland, Nice and a beautiful piece of Argentina. I also spent a lot of time in Montpellier and Lyon to see the people I love, but now, I need to anchor. Being constantly in stations & airports not let me create a healthy routine to train myself regularly and work quietly.

I lost count of the times I woke up not knowing where I was, and I now feel the need to spend more time at home, in my cocoon (and my dog). It's stupid but just being able to do my laundry late makes me really happy right now.

Simplify my social life for that 2015 will have been super efficient, I found people of inestimable value (cuckoo Leila, Moons, Nina, Maxou, Yo Marc, Yom & Flo), I saw how my item friendships were solid (cuckoo Steven) and I was also disappointed by some people, otherwise, it would have been too easy. I go this year with friends as I ever had, and I intend to be a nice friend in 2016, but only for those and those who really count.

Sleep more. Promised juror, that's the only thing I want to do "more" in 2016.
Have a rich inner life. Meditate, read, be of benefit in contact with nature. Brief full of hippie stuff a bit boring but that make me the world of good.

That's not my resolutions and not my to-do list for 2016. And then you, you took what as resolutions or as non-resolutions for 2016?
Now If In 2016 We Had Less? Now If In 2016 We Had Less? Reviewed by Unknown on 6:48:00 AM Rating: 5
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