The biological value of protein (BV)


The biological value of protein (BV)

A simple interpretation of the biological value of the protein, BV, is really not easy! These nutritional value of the protein, under seven others, the producers of food supplements for athletes have thrown special attention. Manufacturers shall indicate it on the label, and you ask, what does it mean? I hope that my current explanation of the problem will be readable and understandable! ... The organism of an average adult, healthy man is a day to about 140 g proteins. Proteins control all life processes. In the end, those activities they are consumed and must be replaced by new ones. In adult life, when we are not exposed to any physical extreme stress or illness occur as many new proteins, how many are consumed.

The protein turnover is measured by the conversion of the charge of the protein structure nitrogen - nitrogen balance. So is the nitrogen balance an adult zero, so it is a nitrogen equilibrium maintained. For the maintenance of nitrogen balance, however, we must not consume 140 grams of protein daily. The half of this amount, ie about 70 g, is covered by the protein from the recycling. It is the body's own (endogenous) protein that has already been used once and rebuilt. It is, therefore, sufficient that the food the missing half - the second 70 g - is covered.


 Scientists have already observed for some time that a protein is not equal to the other. Basically, can no dietary protein is ingested in an amount of 70 g, keeping the nitrogen balance in the body of the adult man exactly in equilibrium.

 But there are proteins that can keep this balance already with portions of 75 g in the balance, but there are also those which must be consumed in an amount of 120 g. In the intermediate and post-war period, the determination was the usefulness of individual dietary proteins very important because it is effective measures against famine in various parts of the world could take. Protein is the most important part of the diet, for a starving organism perishes when he loses half of the data stored in the body's own proteins nitrogen.

At that time, two young biochemists - Thomas and Mitchell, a method for determining the biological value of the proteins - abbreviated BV -. invented, which is used until today Without going into the technical details of this method, gives us the BV the proportion of the weight of the protein to compensate for the nitrogen balance in relation to the endogenous protein which is recycled too. In practice this means that if we know that the biological value of egg protein a BV of 88 does, then we have not 70 but 80 g (70 g: 88% = 79.55 g) to compensate for the nitrogen balance devour them , The BV 79 is the code for the biological value of protein chicken breast. To compensate for the nitrogen balance needs to eat about 89 grams of it.

Decided worse it looks with the vegetable proteins. For example, one would have to consume up to 116 grams of potato protein, since its BV is only 60! The BV gained popularity at the turn of the 20th into the 21st century when it became clear that this is a valuable indicator that the simplifies creating an athlete's diet. In sports the Ingestion of large amounts of protein is recommended, because this is usually not just about balancing the nitrogen balance but rather to create a positive balance - maintaining the protein in the body.

Newly retained the protein forms the stress adaptation - it allows the construction of muscle mass, -power and endurance. It is estimated that the average needs of an athlete are twice as large as that of a normal, healthy, active little man. So the athlete should not 70 but 140 g protein equivalent to the protein with the BV 100, consume. Knowing the BV of the individual proteins, it is easy to calculate that you here about 160 g egg protein needed and about 180 g chicken protein. WHY NOT 100? ...

The best dietary proteins can have a BV value of approximately 100 achieve such. as the egg albumin (BV 99), you can change this value, but do not exceed! ... when endogenous protein, the decomposed and eliminated amount is matched (catabolism) always optimally on the reconstructed volume (during anabolism) , With any dietary protein disintegrates above the optimum more and more of this protein, as it is incorporated into the organic structures, which leads to that required more of the protein to compensate for the nitrogen balance, as it is the case with the endogenous protein.

Therefore, the biological value BV of proteins is less than 100! The existence of a protein with a BV greater than 100 is impossible! A coefficient above 100 would mean that more will be built from the protein as decomposed and eliminated, which itself represents a positive nitrogen balance - anabolism. This contradicts the belief of dietetics, which states that the occupied protein in the non organism such. As fats and carbohydrates are stored. In adult life, applies under normal conditions, that if we, as it needed more protein to compensate for the nitrogen balance is consumed, the excess is broken down and eliminated from the organism - the nitrogen balance is maintained -. the nitrogen balance is zero .

 However, if we expose the organism hazardous overload, eg the Sports training, he begins more of the anabolic hormones to produce, which intensify protein synthesis and the protein it thus allowing the body to maintain - the construction of a positive nitrogen balance. These are the hormones and not just the recorded amount of protein, the final judgment on the value of the nitrogen balance! ...

 Therefore, these are externally supplied hormone, effective anabolic drugs that are used in healing processes and the prohibited pharmacological doping. MORE THAN 100 !? ... As the BV-index was determined for the first time for a small protein fraction, referred to by the abbreviation WPI, and from the long-underestimated product of milk processing technology - was the way, isolated, the researchers were perplexed !? ... A BV of 159!? ...

No one could interpret this result. Only after a few years, scientists have associated and puts together the facts. In general, all recorded proteins digested to small amino acids and as such absorbed into the body and are rebuilt anew. In the blood and from there into other tissues, can only hormonal proteins, ie those which are produced in the organism and excreted by special glands in the bloodstream, are absorbed. This process is perfectly controlled by precise receptor mechanisms. The fact is that the same precise receptor mechanisms cause the parent organism can supply the not yet sufficiently trained hormonal system of a newborn with hormonal proteins. It has been observed that the mother organism hormonal proteins not only in the bloodstream but also in the original food of the newborn, milk, emits.

 Thanks to the presence of appropriate receptors in the digestive tract that are responsive to such hormones get all hormonal proteins from the blood of the child and from there into another tissue. Some of these proteins are anabolic hormones that are similar to the somatotropin and support the intensive growing organism. In general, the man never came in the adult life in contact with it, because the milk processing technologies eliminated this, unfortunately, effective. Up to the time when a mad scientist has come up with the idea of the way the WPI - a rich anabolic protein hormones fraction isolated ... IN PRACTICE In practice, the systematic supplementation with WPI is almost the same as the injections of growth hormones. But unlike the "hormone treatment" is this supplementation in accordance with the Sporting Code, does not pose any danger and is a measurable health benefit.

It develops not only muscles but also strengthens the immune system, eliminating free radicals and prolongs life (in the experimental animals in the laboratory by 60%). The BV of 159 while WPI brings measurable savings in protein consumption. If the formation of the WPI as the only source of dietary protein, 88 g would instead of the recommended 140 g sufficient for a strength athlete. But you must still clarify time - knitting anabolic effect, have only political groups complete, non-denatured, isolated whey proteins (WPI) and their hydrolysates on.

They protein concentrates (WPC) provide an excellent source of the Nahungsprotein with a BV of 104 represents that complements a sports diet perfectly, however, have a low anabolic activity. The favorable WPC You should take whenever it is you keen your diet supplement to the protein with the highest nutritional value. In the more expensive WPI and its hydrolysates are not just about protein supplements, but also to effective, safe, and healthy anabolics allowed. If this, if you are on a rapid strength and size gains.
The biological value of protein (BV) The biological value of protein (BV) Reviewed by Unknown on 6:29:00 AM Rating: 5
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