Renewal of energy Resources
As this process takes place in the first hours after the workout the most intense, it is important that the process of renewal after the effort carried out as quickly as possible and contains a certain type of carbohydrates, which are characterized by a correspondingly rapid rate of digestion and absorption ability by the organism , If the glycogen stores are not completely filled, the efficiency of the next training is less. A complete reconstruction of the carbohydrate store can only after the expiry of 24 - carried out 48 hours. The Glykogenwiederaufbau done at a pace of about 5% per hour. This process is directly after the completion of the effort quickly, then slows down.
That is why the consumed after training during the first hours of sugar should be characterized by a corresponding glycemic index. it, immediately after exercise about 25 is best - 50 g sugar in liquid form (OLIMP CARBO; OLIMP IZO PLUS) to eat.
OLIMP CARBO is suitable for athletes practicing endurance sport or exercising power and speed. consumed directly after intense physical exercise, it guarantees a very fast and effective reconstruction of muscle glycogen and favors its overcompensation. A process which requires the construction of muscle strength and mass, and improving the speed and endurance.
The preparation IZO PLUS - is an isotonic drink with carbohydrates and minerals, which the water, sugar and minerals deficit balances outstanding after sporting exertion or heavy physical work. It is recommended especially to fans of endurance sports (cycling, long-distance running). It prevents fatigue before that occurs as a side effect of dehydration in a prolonged effort in a hot environment and is effective against circulatory disturbances and fluctuations in the temperature-regulating mechanisms.
After a preliminary replenishment of energy reserves in the muscles, you should in the diet fiber carbohydrates prefer: wholegrain bakery products, brown rice, groats, vegetables. One must not forget that the complete reconstruction of muscle glycogen approx 1 - may take two days.
In general, that a high consumption of carbohydrates, the rebuilding of glycogen in the muscles improves, however, the amount of which must not be too high in the diet. A sugar surplus in the diet can cause these are used during normal metabolic processes at the expense of fatty acids, as a result, the burning of fat is lagging behind. In addition, a diet with increased intake of carbohydrates lead to a lack of many food ingredients in the organism. One should always pay attention to the compliance with corresponding proportions in the consumption of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, as well as an appropriate nutritional intake in the diet.
In order for the reconstruction process of glycogen runs smoothly and without obstacles should be in the first few hours after exercise relatively rigorously the consumption of fats, especially animal origin shun, because the existence of saturated fatty acids inhibits glucose transport through the cell membranes and the insulin sensitivity of receptors reduced.
The development of an appropriate nutritional strategy should not only take into account the aspect of reconstruction of energy reserves in the muscles, but also methods that make it possible to minimize their loss during exercise duration. This is especially important in long-lasting impact. In order to slow down the decomposition process of glycogen within the body, so is drinking isotonic drinks before or during exercise beneficial (OLIMP IZO PLUS).
The physical endurance depends not only on the number of stored carbohydrates in the muscles, but also of those that are stored in the liver. The certificate from the liver glycogen glucose, is the main energy source for the brain work. With a lack of glycogen, there is a depletion of the central nervous system, the decline of mental strength and motivation. The consequences of mental exhaustion are exposed especially athletes of endurance sports. To prevent such incidents, often as part of the supplementation on branched chain amino acids (BCAA OLIMP) in an amount of about 1 g / 10 kg body weight 45 min. resorted before the planned effort.
After completion of training the reconstruction process of the carbohydrate reserves in the liver can be much more difficult and slow. While, especially prolonged stress, invade the liver cells fatty acids instead of glycogen. To reduce this unfavorable process, it is recommended that in the space occupied by the training meals, products dominate, which are rich in lipotropic (fat-soluble) compounds such as methionine, glutamic acid, or choline (OLIMP LECYTYNA). A rich source of these substances in the diet is milk, skimmed curd. High fat foods should be avoided, however.
When and how are carbohydrate-containing supplements taken properly?
Supplements can before, during and after the effort taken. Depending on the administration time of Supplementes, can fulfill this different tasks:
- Supplementation before the effort - it allows the formation of small energy resources. In the period before the effort, isotonic solutions are mostly occupied. The carbohydrate-containing beverage is at a concentration 6 - 8% (12th - 16 g carbohydrates / 200 ml of water) in an amount 200-400 ml 15 min. passed before recording the muscle activity. It is recommended OLIMP IZO PLUS
Renewal of energy Resources
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